3rd November & the week ahead

3rd November & the week ahead

Dearest friends,

This week sees the start of our pre-advent course – Holy Habits. 

It’s a four part course designed to help us understand the habits that we have picked up over the years and also to suggest some new habits that may help deepen your faith, or at least open some new questions in your mind.

The course is split into four evenings. The first evening concentrates on identifying what a Holy Habit is – and we start with the most obvious – crossing ourselves. 

At both St. John’s and St. Luke’s we cross ourselves at various parts of the liturgy. Some of us cross ourselves as we enter church using holy water from the stoup. But why? What does that simple action teach us about our faith? How can this simple action form a bond between all Christians?

What about kneeling? Why do we do it? What are the ‘appropriate’ stances for prayer? Why do we stand at the Lord’s Prayer, why do we kneel at certain parts of the Eucharistic liturgy, why do we bow for two lines during the creed? Why does Father Matthew insist we stand for the post communion prayer!?

These physical actions are not contained to church. When we pray we often close our eyes? Why do we do that? Where does the idea that in order to pray we must close our eyes come from? Is it because we were told in primary school that in order to pray we place our hands together and close our eyes? If so, why were we taught that and why do we continue to close our eyes but have stopped putting our hands together? 

We’ll explore the daily physical rituals that Christians around the world use to centre themselves in Jesus. 

Moment by moment, hour by hour, day by day, there are habits that constantly pull us back to Jesus – tiny threads that tug us in his direction – gently and almost invisibly – so invisibly that many of us have forgotten why we do them.  

If you’ve not signed up to come to the course yet I urge you to consider it. Four Thursday evenings could really help you understand your relationship with God that little bit more and what you can introduce to your life that will have a huge impact on your faith. 

We start at 7pm in St. Luke’s Church Hall. There’s lots of parking, it will be lovely and warm, and there’ll be tea, coffee, and perhaps cake. Lifts are available for all those coming from St. John’s. Please speak to Mark and Gill.

Fr. Matthew 


Remembrance Services
In a slight change to previous years there will be a remembrance service in both parishes on the 10th November starting at 10:45am outside both churches.

Christmas Fayre, St. Luke’s
Donations of raffle prizes etc. are needed for the Christmas Fayre. Please contact Claire Baker with any questions.

The Rev’d Dr. Chris Moore
On the 1st December we’ll be joined by the Rev’d Dr. Chris Moore for an afternoon lecture on the Gospel of Mark. A time travellers guide to Mark will really open up the gospel in a new light. Refreshments will be served. 3pm, St. Luke’s. Sign up now.

Sunday 3rd November

31st Sunday in Ordinary Time

9:15am – Sung Parish Mass, St. John’s
11am – Sung Mass, St. Luke’s
Divine Office Psalter Week 3, 4 Before Advent, All Saints

7th, 14th, 21st, 28th – Holy Habits [SL] 7pm
10th – Remembrance Service [SL & SJ] 10:45am
          Parish Lunch [SL] 
16th – Table Top Sale [SJ] 10am-12pm
20th – Social Committee Meeting [SL] 6:30pm
30th – Advent Carols [SJ] 6pm
1st – A Time Travellers Guide to Mark [SL] 3pm
7th  – Christmas Fayre [SL] 
8th  – Mayor’s Civic Service [SL] 3pm
11th – Over 60s Christmas Concert [SJ] 2pm
15th  –  December Parish Lunch [SL] 
19th  –  Cantemos Carol Concert [SJ] 7pm
22nd  – Christmas Carols [SL] 4m
           Nine Lessons and Carols [SJ] 7pm
24th –  Live Nativity [SL] 4pm
           1st Mass of Christmas [SJ] 8pm
           Midnight Mass [SL] 11:30pm
25th – Christmas Day Mass [SL & SJ] 10am
29th – Joint Mass at St. John’s 10am with dedication of Holy     
          Family Chapel

Christingle Services at both churches TBC

Pew Sheet

Readings for this Sunday