Dear friends,
I wanted to write to say thank you to all of you who have made this Christmas exceptionally special. In particular to everyone who has worked so hard to make all the various services happen. We invited so many people to church over the Advent period and saw a huge number come to our various Advent and Christmas services over the last week.
We saw hundreds of children (and their parents) come to St. Luke’s and St. John’s and we journeyed to their schools to offer assemblies, RE teaching, carol service blessings, and gifts of books, (as well as a new microphone and stand for Haytor View).
We saw in Christmas Day with four masses across the two churches and welcomed people who don’t normally poke their heads through the door! Your welcome and your love has been spectacular. One person (who I wont name) was so excited to come and tell me that she had been telling a new young couple what a wonderful church this was and that they should come again – and that they agreed!
It’s this love of each other and of our church family that Jesus teaches us will bring people to know Him. So thank you to every single person who has welcomed, who has worked, who has shared, who has prayed… for every single one of you for this wonderful time.
A particular high point was the Live Nativity at St. Luke’s on Christmas Eve. Over 165 people came and shared in the chaos of the first nativity as we journeyed from the Annunciation to the birth of Christ in a stable (with a real donkey, pony, and VERY pregnant sheep).
St. John’s and St. Luke’s pulled together to make this exceptionally brilliant event happen. Families from across South Devon came and learnt a little more about the Holy Family – all because of your hard work and love.
Talking of the Holy Family… don’t forget this coming Sunday (29th December) is a joint service at St. John’s for the feast of the Holy Family at 10am. We’ll be dedicating the side chapel to the Holy Family and it will be a beautiful moment to come together after a busy Christmas week and to pray for all families. There’ll also be evensong at 4pm at St. John’s – a joint Newton Abbot Team Parishes event.
Services the following week will take a short break and we’ll be back together again on January 5th (Epiphany) at the usual times in both churches.
As you turn towards the new year don’t forget there is an opportunity to make your confession between 9am and 11am on Friday 27th (tomorrow) at St. John’s before a Sung Mass for the feast of St. John the Apostle.
I look forward to seeing you all over the Christmas season and sharing more time together in the new year.
With all my love,
Fr. Matthew