News for 15th December & Week Ahead

News for 15th December & Week Ahead

Dearest friends,

As we enter this final week of Advent all can seem rather busy.

There are concerts, carol services, jobs to be done. There are presents to buy, people to see, and food to get in.

Who has time for all this Christmas nonsense! It’s easy to get caught up in the business but we must remember that Advent offers us an opportunity to find PEACE. 

Jesus tells us that His yoke is easy and His burden light. He encourages us to give Him all those things that we can not carry and He will hold us. 

So in this final week of Advent please do try to find some peace. Find some time to be quiet and still and to allow your mind to dwell on the joy of the coming of Jesus Christ – that small baby in a manger.

Fr. Matthew


Christingle at St. John’s – THIS SUNDAY!
On the 15th December St. John’s will be hosting and running a Christingle service for St. Catherine’s school (and anyone else who’d like to come along) at 11am. It’s going to be great fun! We’ll be having coffee and doughnuts from 10:30am and it’s a great place to invite friends who don’t usually come to church.

The Bible Course
After the success of Holy Habits and the lecture on St. Mark’s Gospel by Rev’d Dr. Chris Moore,  I’m pleased to share we’ll be doing another course in the new year heading into Lent. The Course is ‘The Bible Course’ and will run on Thursday evenings in Wickham Hall at 7pm for 8 weeks starting 23rd January. The final session (13th March) will be taught by the Bishop of Exeter, The Rev’d Dr. Mike Harrison. You’ll be able to sign up to come along in the new year.

Spring Term (and Easter) Planning Meeting
As we look ahead to the next term and to Easter there’ll be another open planning meeting (as we did for Christmas) early in the new year. This is for everyone at both parishes to come along and share your ideas on what you think the parish should be doing – both in terms of social activities as well as our services. We’ll be meeting at Wickham Hall at 7pm on the 9th January.

Susana Crow – YWAM
Susana Crow who works with YWAM (Youth With A Mission)  spreading Gods word and doing mercy ministries in Malawi Africa will be sharing what her and her community are guided by God to do and to seek your support. We will be meeting in the Wickham Hall, 6pm on January Thursday 16th

If you would like to support Susanna you can go to the stewardship website:

Stewardship Account:

Or contact her at her email address:

Sunday 15th December

3rd Sunday of Advent
9:15am – BCP Mass, St. John’s
11am – Christingle, St. John’s
11am – Sung Parish Mass, St. Luke’s
1pm – Parish Lunch, St. Luke’s
4pm – Evening Prayer at St. John’s
Divine Office Psalter Week 3, C(I),  Advent 3


14th – Spectrum Wind Band Concert [SL] 7pm
15th  –  December Parish Lunch [SL] 
Christingle Service [SJ] 11am
19th  –  Cantemos Carol Concert [SJ] 7pm
22nd  – Christmas Carols [SL] 4pm
           Nine Lessons and Carols [SJ] 7pm
24th –  Live Nativity [SL] 4pm
           1st Mass of Christmas [SJ] 8pm
           Midnight Mass [SL] 11:30pm
25th – Christmas Day Mass [SL & SJ] 10am
29th – Joint Mass at St. John’s 10am with dedication of Holy     
          Family Chapel

8th – St. Luke’s PCC
9th – Spring (& Easter) term planning meeting [all] 7pm WH
12th – St. Luke’s Parish Lunch
16th – St. John’s PCC, 5pm
          Susanna Crow YWAM talk, 7pm [SJ]
23rd – The Bible Course (every Thursday), 7pm WH
25th – Jesus, This Is Your Life & Burns Night Supper [SJ]

12th – St. Luke’s PCC

Readings for Mass on Sunday