Dearest friends,
It may seem odd to think of pilgrimage as a Holy Habit. It’s very unlike the things we talked for the last two weeks – small, gentle, prods that encourage us to think about Jesus in our day to day lives.
But, over the years I’ve found regular pilgrimage to be a life giving source of understanding and questioning on my journey with Christ.
I tend to go on pilgrimage with my dear brother Fr. Sam Cross. We have been all over the world together and in those travels have been consistently surprised at how the holy spirit seeks us out and shows us something new in our relationship with Christ.
The act of pilgrimage is one of body, mind, and soul. It is a deliberate act – to take yourself out of your current surrounds and life and to open your ears to what God may be saying to you.
Pilgrimage is as much an act of mental travel as it is physical, and so if you’re unable to travel you can still go on pilgrimage – in your mind.
Take your soul out of the every day. Take your mind away from the worries of the day, of the week, of the year; and let them hear afresh the voice of God in your life.
I know how important the Diocese Walsingham Pilgrimage has been to people in these parishes (next year the dates are 8th – 12th September for Walsingham and 6th September for Glastonbury). Get them in your diary now!
I’m really enjoying Holy Habits on Thursday evenings, 7pm in St. Luke’s. If you’ve not come already, join us this coming Thursday to learn more about pilgrimage.
Fr. Matthew
Safeguarding Training
I’ve taken the decision to cancel the safeguarding training on Saturday (16th) as so many people have pulled out due to other commitments. We’ll re-arrange for a new date ASAP. I’m grateful for all those who have done the training online and have sent me certificates.
Lions Message Tubes
Did you know that the Lions have created something called ‘Message in a bottle’? It’s a super scheme designed to help those who are vulnerable – it contains notes that paramedics or other emergency services may need if they visit your home. The kit comes with stickers, the ‘bottle’, and some notes. You can get them in both churches. Thanks so much to Lyn for making these available to us.
Table Top Sale
Don’t forget the table top sale at Wickham Hall on Saturday 16th. There’s always a great selection of goodies and it’s a great opportunity for a coffee, cake, and natter.
Christmas Fayre, St. Luke’s
Donations of raffle prizes etc. are needed for the Christmas Fayre. Please contact Claire Baker with any questions.
The Rev’d Dr. Chris Moore
On the 1st December we’ll be joined by the Rev’d Dr. Chris Moore for an afternoon lecture on the Gospel of Mark. A time travellers guide to Mark will really open up the gospel in a new light. Refreshments will be served. 3pm, St. Luke’s. Sign up now!
Evening Prayer
Join us for a service of BCP Evening Prayer at St. John’s on Sunday at 4pm.
Sunday 17th November
33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time
9:15am – Sung Parish Mass, St. John’s
11am – Sung Parish Mass, St. Luke’s
4pm – Evening Prayer
Divine Office Psalter Week 1, 2 Before Advent
7th, 14th, 21st, 28th – Holy Habits [SL] 7pm
16th – Table Top Sale [SJ] 10am-12pm
Basic Safeguarding Training, 11am, Wickham Hall
20th – Social Committee Meeting [SL] 6:30pm
30th – Advent Carols [SJ] 6pm
Further Safeguarding Training, 11am, Wickham Hall
1st – A Time Travellers Guide to Mark [SL] 3pm
4th – St. Luke’s PCC, 7pm, Church Hall
7th – Christmas Fayre [SL]
8th – Mayor’s Civic Service [SL] 3pm
11th – Over 60s Christmas Concert [SJ] 2pm
15th – December Parish Lunch [SL]
19th – Cantemos Carol Concert [SJ] 7pm
22nd – Christmas Carols [SL] 4pm
Nine Lessons and Carols [SJ] 7pm
24th – Live Nativity [SL] 4pm
1st Mass of Christmas [SJ] 8pm
Midnight Mass [SL] 11:30pm
25th – Christmas Day Mass [SL & SJ] 10am
29th – Joint Mass at St. John’s 10am with dedication of Holy
Family Chapel
Christingle Services at both churches TBC