November 24th & The Week Ahead

November 24th & The Week Ahead

Dearest friends,

Next Sunday we are going to be treated to a wonderful talk by The Rev’d Dr. Chris Moore on the gospel of Mark.

Over the last season we have been reading through the Gospel of Mark and this talk will pull together many of the threads we’ve been talking and praying about – but more than that – Rev’d Chris will put them into the context of the day.

He will lead us through an understanding of why Jesus said what he said, when he said it, and where he said it. He’ll pull together the geography of it all, the politics of it all, the money and power of it all.

It doesn’t matter if you’re deeply interested in the theology of it, the geography of it, the history of it, or attempting to grasp the wider ramifications of what Jesus said in today’s world – Rev’d Chris will help you to a greater understanding.

After the talk we’ll come together and offer a short service of BCP Evening Prayer before doing what we Anglicans do best – sharing a glass of sherry!

Please don’t worry if you’ve not booked in, just come along (I promise I’ll put the heating on!) Do also mention the evening to your friends and drag them along as well.

As well as the talk on Mark we continue with our Holy Habits course at St. Luke’s (if you need a lift from St. John’s please let me know). Next week we talk about bodily posture – especially during mass – so if you’ve wondered why we stand in this bit, or why we kneel there, or why I ask you to stand there – this is the talk to come to!

Finally, an early date for your diary. On January 25th we’ll be hosting ‘Jesus, this is your life’ written and produced by our wonderful organist at St. Luke’s, Chris. It also happens to be Burns night and we’re hoping to host a supper at Wickham Hall after the concert. If you can help / would like to help please be in touch.

Fr. Matthew


Lions Message Tubes
Did you know that the Lions have created something called ‘Message in a bottle’? It’s a super scheme designed to help those who are vulnerable – it contains notes that paramedics or other emergency services may need if they visit your home. The kit comes with stickers, the ‘bottle’, and some notes. You can get them in both churches. Thanks so much to Lyn for making these available to us.

Christmas Fayre, St. Luke’s
Donations of raffle prizes etc. are needed for the Christmas Fayre. We are particularly looking for donations for the hampers. Please contact Claire Baker with any questions.

Civic Service
The Mayors civic service on the 8th December has been cancelled by the Town Council.

Bishop Paul will be with us in February. If you’ve not been confirmed (or don’t know what it means!) and would like to discuss being confirmed, please do speak to Fr. Matthew.

Live Nativity
As we look forward to the live nativity at St. Luke’s on Christmas Eve I’d like to get a planning group together. There’ll be a meeting of all who are interested at the vicarage on the 27th November at 6:30pm

Sunday 24th November

Christ the King
9:15am – Sung Parish Mass, St. John’s
11am – Sung Parish Mass, St. Luke’s
3pm – A Time Travellers Guide to Mark, St. Luke’s
Divine Office Psalter Week 2, B(II), Next Before Advent

30th – Advent Carols [SJ] 6pm
1st – A Time Travellers Guide to Mark [SL] 3pm
4th – St. Luke’s PCC, 7pm, Church Hall
7th  – Christmas Fayre [SL]
11th – Over 60s Christmas Concert [SJ] 2pm
15th  –  December Parish Lunch [SL]
Christingle Service [SJ] 11am
19th  –  Cantemos Carol Concert [SJ] 7pm
22nd  – Christmas Carols [SL] 4pm
           Nine Lessons and Carols [SJ] 7pm
24th –  Live Nativity [SL] 4pm
           1st Mass of Christmas [SJ] 8pm
           Midnight Mass [SL] 11:30pm
25th – Christmas Day Mass [SL & SJ] 10am
29th – Joint Mass at St. John’s 10am with dedication of Holy     
          Family Chapel

`Readings for Sunday 24th November